
Sunday, April 22, 2007

Now for St Lucia

Arrived in St Lucia after a 40-minute flight from Barbados to find I'm staying in the same hotel as I did five years ago on my first trip here. The Oz and South African teams are also in this hotel, The Royal St Lucian, which is pretty flash. Unfortunately my camera cable stayed behind in Barbados so no pix until Thursday. St. Lucia much greener and agricultural than other islands; it's a big banana producer. It's also gradually filling up with rumbunctious young Aussies. oh well!


Anonymous said...

Jesus, you're as bad as Nic Smith! He also claims to have "a job" yet spends most of his time flying around to resorts. Get back home, so you can start providing us with pithy insights as to how West Ham will avoid the drop. (Smith was supposed to play in our "old guy" league last night, but presumably, "business concerns" kept him away. Get back to work!!

Lillevenn said...

Steve, you clearly fail to grasp the grim reality of life as a roving sports journalist. The constant demands of choosing from the cocktail menu, the water that gets quite chilly sometimes and the fact that I never get a full day's sunbathing in. Fatref will soon be back and publishing biting comments about all Championship teams, including the Bolyn Ground boys.