
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Throw the book at Ivanovic - updated

What a prat! Honestly, how can a Premier League footballer expect to punch someone in front of 40,000 spectators, hundreds of cameras and dozen of TV cameras and expect to get away with it.

Ivanovic has most probably just deprived himself of a Champions League semi final, one of the biggest challenges of his career, because he felt obliged to stop and punch a Fulham player during the game against Wigan at the weekend.
A kindly critic (sic) has  pointed out that Ivanovic would not be banned from the Champions League semi final. Point taken.
I fully expect the FA to throw the book at him and ban him for the rest of the season. He is clearly captured on film punching a Wigan player after what looked like an accidental coming together.
And now he's decided to appeal. Against what? It's not me on the TV punching the Wigan number 10? Is he not aware that an appeal like this is often judged as frivolous and can result in a heavier punishment.
I may be wrong but I really get the feeling that this farce can only be carried out by the sort of person who earns £100,000 a week and lives in a bubble, a totally artificial life in which normal rules do not apply, where you can claim to be the victim when you punch them in the kidneys from behind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Err... He can't deny Chelsea of a CL semi-final because they're already in the CL semi-final.

Secondly, any offence in the PL does not carry over to the CL.

I appreciate the idea of a blog on what refs should really be doing in order to uphold the laws of the game, but it would be a lot better if you knew even half the rules yourself. Sorry.

Oh dear...